Create and Search Jira Buttons Are Disabled

  • Category : Create
  • Article Number : 06
  • Publish Date: 22 Dec, 2023


Understanding why the following issues occur and how to resolve them:

  1. The Jira buttons are grayed out for users.

  2. The ‘Create Jira’ and ‘Search Jira’ buttons are missing on the ‘JiraRelatedListLightning’ Component.


  1. Why do Jira Buttons appear to be grayed out for users?

  1. Inactive Instance: Instances are inactive or unauthorized.

  2. Permission Issue:

    1. Org Wide:
      • The user did not grant CRUD at the profile level + public read and write at the org-wide level.

    2. Object Level:
      • The user did not have access to the Grz_Sf__Jira_Project__c object and its records.

      • The user did not grant CRUD + View all or Modify All permissions at profile level for Grz_Sf__Jira_Project__c (Jira Project).


  • The user must have the minimum required permissions of ‘Read’ and ‘Write’ on ‘Jira Project’ Object.

  • The user should have permission to at least one single Jira Project record where he/she can ‘Create Issues’ or ‘Browse Project’. This can be done via:

  1. Org-Wide

  2. Profile Level (View all or Modify all)

  3. Sharing Rule (Share the User to Jira Project Record)

Note: Users should have a permission of at least Jira Project Object or should have record level permission so that they can create or view Jira for a specific project.

  1. Login to your Salesforce Instance.

  2. Go to the App launcher and enter “Sinergify“ in the search box. Select the “Admin Settings” tab in the navigation bar. Select instances on the left-hand side panel.

  3. Check the status of the instance to see whether the instance is active or not.

    [Active=Create and Search buttons are visible]

    [Inactive=Create and Search buttons are grayed out]

  4. Make sure the Status is set to Active, so you can see the Create and Search Jira buttons.

  1. Why Create and Search Jira buttons are missing on JiraRelatedListLightning component?

  • Instance might be inactive

  • The administrator has disabled the Create Jira or Search Jira buttons for users

  1. Login to your Salesforce Instance.

  2. In the App launcher, type ‘Cases’ and open any case record.

  3. Click on the gear icon and select ‘Edit Page’.

  1. Select the JiraRelatedListLightning component from the record page. Under the component configuration, make sure the “Show Create Button” and “Show Search Button” are Selected.

  1. Click ‘Save’.

  2. If you are still unable to resolve the issue with this article or are facing any issues while following the article, please contact our support team at [email protected] or raise a ticket at